Spiritual Res Health Sci. 2023;1(1): 63-74.
doi: 10.34172/srhs.2023.006
  Abstract View: 351
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Original Article

Moral perfectionism and pro social behavior: the mediating role of identity

Hossein Rostami ORCID logo, Shirin Zeinali* ORCID logo, Ali Yazdani ORCID logo, Zahra Ahmadin ORCID logo

1 Research Center for Cognitive & Behavioral Sciences in Police, Directorate of Health, Rescue & Treatment, Police Headquarter, Tehran, Iran
2 NAJA Institute of Law Enforcement Sciences and Social Studies, Tehran, Iran
3 Department of Psychology, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: sh.zeinali@urmia.ac.ir


Background. pro social behaviors are the behavioral characteristics that are affected by several components. The main purpose of this study was to develop the modelling of relationship between moral perfectionism and pro social behavior with the mediating role of moral identity.

Methods. In this study, 341 residents of West Azerbaijan province in 2022 were selected by available methods and completed moral perfectionism, pro social behavior and moral identity questionnaires in person or online.

Results. The results of Pearson coefficient and path analysis with SPSS and Amos revealed that there was significant relationship between moral perfectionism, pro social behavior and moral identity and the model of the relationship between moral perfectionism and pro social behavior with the mediating role of moral identity was significant too (p<0/001).

Conclusion. According to the result of research pro social behavior is influenced by personality and cognitive components, and in cultivating this behavioral characteristic, moral perfectionism and moral identity should also be considered

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Submitted: 08 Jun 2023
Accepted: 23 Jul 2023
ePublished: 23 Sep 2023
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